Marty Keur coached the 11U Lake Effect softball team. Marty was a community and school-team coach. He had a passion for coaching and it showed. Marty spent countless hours planning practices and developing game plans. He showed up to practice and games ready to go, even when he was weak or sick, but he never let that show. He was there to coach the girls and he always gave 100%. Marty was committed to developing not only better players, but better people too.
Marty challenged his players, pushing them to reach their maximum potential, even through difficult times. In games, as in life, there are wins and loses, highs and lows. If there is one thing Marty taught all of us, it was about winning, he didn’t like to lose. A win, in a game, just as in life, is a time to celebrate. Marty taught his players about what it meant to “win the day”. You see in sports, winning is not just about winning the game. Marty taught his players how to celebrate their own personal wins. Perhaps this was a solid hit, a great throw or an amazing catch. Either way, his players learned to challenge themselves, striving to do their personal best.
Whenever I talked to players and parents about what they remembered most about Marty, their responses had a consistent theme. Marty had the ability to create individual relationships with each girl. Megan Kuzma said Marty always made her feel special, important and appreciated. As I am sure each girl did. Julie Kamer shared that Marty was always good at following up with a player who was having a rough day or game. She recalled getting a text from Marty after a game. Marty recognized that Bri was struggling, despite her best effort and wanted to check on how she was doing. Marty noticed everything and deeply cared about his players. Marty understood that when kids had a positive coaching experience, they continued to want to play and excel. Chris and I met Marty and Rachel in the fall of 2018. Around that time, Lexi was losing interest in softball. Marty, in true Marty fashion, began showing interest in her, inviting her to practice with the “big girls”, made it fun and built her confidence. We believe Lexi plays softball to this day because of Marty’s influence and his natural gift of coaching. Marty, a kid at heart, could always be found surrounded by kids. Whether they were having a water fight, sharing candy, playing with barbies or painting each other’s nails, Marty was a part of it.
Marty impacted more young people in a year than the average person does in a lifetime. Marty’s heart could not be measured in size, it could only be measured by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of the players he coached.
Marty, through your dedication and direction, you have inspired us to do our best, to reach our goals. Your lessons will be remembered long after the game is won. You’ve taught us about commitment, perseverance and hope. And as we go through life, we’ll be better able to cope with all our struggles, our failures and success. Because we had you for our coach, one of the very best!
- By Lindsay Mersman