Lake Effect Support and Sponsorship

Lake Effect Support and Sponsorship

Lake Effect has always been rooted in giving young athletes a team and a family to part of, as our mission statement describes:

A positive force of team chemistry, family and fun.

The positive force comes from the energy someone embodies, on and off the field.  This energy shines from head to toe: mentally, physically and morally.  Being part of Lake Effect Athletics means you are part of something bigger than yourself - a community, a family and a team.  From coaches and players, to family and fans, Lake Effect Athletics will not waiver from being a positive force of sportsmanship and fellowship towards opponents, coaches, officials and our own team.

The Lake Effect organization is fortunate to have so many people who make up our softball community.  In early 2023, we asked fans, parents and players as to “why” they are a part of Lake Effect and what the best part of being in the Lake Effect family.  Some of the “why’s” we captured are highlighted in the 2023 Lake Effect Hype Video (Lake Effect 2023 HYPE Video - YouTube) We received all sorts of great feedback, and we are proud of what Lake Effect has become…but what if we could do more?  What if we could expand our positive impact – TOGETHER.  Whether you’re an individual who wants to make a contribution, or a company/organization, we could never thank you enough for the support.  If you have a company, or a logo, we’d be happy to highlight your company/logo on our website, but we also include our sponsor’s logos on our team banners that are displayed at all tournaments we attend. 

If you would be willing to support Lake Effect, we have several ways in which your assistance is greatly appreciated:

Lake Effect “For the Fighters” Campaign

The Lake Effect family is full of those who FIGHT in positive ways.  We have Lake Effect members currently battling or close to someone battling cancer but we also have numerous folks who serve their communities on the front lines.  Let’s honor them by representing the Lake Effect brand alongside the purple cancer ribbon (representing all cancers) and the Thin Blue Line (Police service members).  At the same time, Lake Effect is giving back to those who are fighting and serving.  All proceeds for the “For the Fighters” shirts (long sleeve or T shirt) will be donated to the Van Andel Institute Hope on the Hill Foundation and to the Thin Blue Line Foundation.  Please help us spread the word so we can help others! 

The For the Fighters shirts can be found on our Homestead Tee website:

Lake Effect Softball (

Image for Lake Effect Support and Sponsorship page

Player Support

Each Lake Effect player has the responsibility for funding many ‘player fees’ that are involved with the sport.  Practice facility fees and paying for jerseys are just a couple of expenses that they could always use help on.

Coach Support

Our coaches volunteer a lot of their own time and finances to help grow our young athletes within the sport.  Often times, extra funds that relate to the sport come out of their own pockets – they incur travel expenses across many weekends each year, they provide equipment for the team to use, and then each coach within Lake Effect pays to get Safe Sport certified (training on player health and safety) on an annual basis.

Team Support

Our Lake Effect family is up to 15 teams this year!  Each team has travel expenses to manage, team camps to attend (at colleges, etc), and then there are events or activities like team building expenses and annual “Kick-Off Party” expenses. 

NEXT STEPS = If you would like to support Lake Effect and sponsor in any way, please contact Jeanette Olinger at